


Weaving Communities Together

Support NAHC’s Expansion

We invite you to stand with us as a philanthropic contributor to our Weaving Communities Together building campaign.

Read below for more information, or click on the Donate Now to support!

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Almost 50 years ago, the Bay Area Native American community organized to open a health center dedicated to serving Urban Natives. Today, NAHC stands strong as one of the oldest and the largest Urban Indian Health programs in the United States. With great success over the decades, the Native American Health Center is proud to announce our newest location: a 14,000 square-foot community and clinical facility at 3050 International Boulevard. In partnership with Satellite Affordable Housing Associates (SAHA), this location will also include 76 units of affordable housing. NAHC and SAHA plan to break ground in January 2024.

A rendering of a building

“Here [our members] are treated with respect. They’re recognized as individuals. And they get the best health care. Our patients always viewed us as their community clinic, whether they were native or non-native. Maybe people lived rough lives, but they didn’t bring it to the clinic. It was a safe place. Their little place they could call home.” Bertha Jackson, a California Mission Indian and NAHC employee from 1977 to 2001

The new NAHC site will house:

  • Additional dental exam rooms serving children, youth and families
  • Large gathering space for cultural and community events
  • 76 Units of Affordable Housing

NAHC is a community hub for wellness and healing for anyone who considers themselves Indigenous, anyone seeking holistic and culturally-responsive health care, and everyone in the surrounding community. Our newest location will allow NAHC to not only expand the physical space we have to cultivate our philosophy of care, but also expand the spaces available to care for and provide access to the groups who care for our community.

The new site will be located at:

The NAHC site will be located in the heart of Oakland’s Fruitvale District, at 3050 International Blvd, Oakland, CA.
a rendering of a building
Please contact weavingcommunitiestogether@nativehealth.org for more information.

Donate Now

a rendering of a building

Make a general donation to NAHC

NAHC is a non-profit Urban Indian Organization and Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) providing holistic care to improve the health and well-being of our members with respect to their cultural and linguistic identities, traditions, and practices. We are able to operate, in part, by the generous donations made by individuals and community leaders.

If you are interested in providing general support for our mission of providing comprehensive community health and wellness programs, please click the Donate Now button below.

Donate Online

Please click the donate button below to contribute to NAHC.

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Or Donate by Mail

2920 International Blvd.
Oakland, CA 94601

Tax ID #[i23-7135928]

A donation means joining our movement

We invite you to stand with us as a philanthropic contributor to all that NAHC provides to its members and community!